Business hours: 12: 00-5: 00 Closed: Monday
pole dance
If you don't know which class to start with, please contact us. The number of stars is a guide for your level.
This is a gentle class where those who have no experience in pole dancing can experience the fun without overdoing it according to their physical strength. First of all, please enjoy Paul ☆
The instructors will carefully teach you so that you can get used to taking care of your body while building a relationship of trust with Paul and enjoy spinning. "Even inexperienced people will be able to make simple rotations from the first day."
If you continue 10 to 20 times, your muscle strength will improve considerably! !!
* If you are an experienced pole player and can do back hip circle (invert), angel (gemini), and butterfly, please take level 2.
step.2 ★★ ☆☆☆ Target class: Pole dance
After learning a simple rotation, it's finally time to get to the real thrill of Paul.
Start lessons on acrobatic poses and techniques. While getting used to climbing the pole little by little, you will build the necessary physical strength and take lessons on how to turn it upside down in the air.
Simple choreography and connections will be included, and the types of rotation, small techniques, and poses will be increased steadily.
Estimated number of attendance 30-40 times (3 months-10 months after starting pole)
* If you can climb up to the top of the pole while walking upside down with air, please take Level 3.
step.3 & 4 ★★★★ ☆ Target class: Pole dance
You will learn the applied version of the technique of hand stand and arm hold, and the combination.
At Levels 3 & 4, the range of pole genres will expand, including power tricks, flexibility tricks, and spinning poles.
There will be more things you can do, so let's try various things.
step.5 ★★★★★ Target class: Pole dance
It is a level where you will be able to complete your core firmly, and you will be able to perform advanced techniques with strength.
You can learn the latest techniques and interesting ways to connect and enter.
step.5 ★★★★★ Target class: Pole dance
スタティックポールと扱い方が違うので、スピニングポールの基礎 を身につけましょう。
Heel Lesson
step.2 ★★ ☆☆☆ Target class: Pole dance
step.2 ★★ ☆☆☆ Target class: Pole dance
ヒールを履いてスムーズに踊れる、ベテラン向けのレッスンとなります!難しいコレオの 繋ぎや、踊っている時の表情、ヒールを履いての脚さばき等Exotic poleをとことん掘り下げてコレオを完成させていきます。
step.1 ★ ☆☆☆☆ Target classes: All levels
Exotic poleの魅力の一つでもある、ヒールを履いてのトリック!裸足でやるトリックとは違い、コントロール、魅せ方も必要となります。レッスンの中ではそのポイント、練習方法もレクチャーしていきます。Lev2以上のレッスンを受講してい る方向けのレッスンとなります。
Trick Request
step.5 ★★★★★ Target class: Pole dance
初心者の方も参加可能!トリックの練習を中心としたレッスンです。登り方をもう一度教えて!逆上がりが苦手!この技をやってみたい等、リクエストしてい ただければ解説し、集中的に学ぶレッスンとなります。練習したいトリックの写真や動画があればお持ちください。
step.5 ★★★★★ Target class: Pole dance
※ Pole danceレッスンではございません。